Get a nice piece of wood or metal, and then mount the mason jars to it. Three usually looks best, but you can do as many as you want. If desired, paint the board and/or the jars. Then, just mount it on the wall and store anything from kitchen utensils to bathroom supplies in it!
This is such a cute design! Paint and decorate the outside of the Mason jar a gorgeous and delicate design. Add frills, lace, or whatever else you want. Then put the assorted Mason jars on a shelf or somewhere else and you can use it to keep your bathroom supplies organized.
You can make a great desk organizer out of a Mason jar. You can even combine multiple Mason jars together to get a super desk organizer for anything from office to art supplies!
If you attach a magnet to the lid of your Mason jar, then you can create storage space to organize all of your kitchen spices. Simply fill the Mason jar with a spice, twist on the magnetic lid, and then clip it to a magnet board in a cupboard or underneath some cabinets. It’s perfect!
Did you know you can turn your old Mason jars into gorgeous soap and lotion dispensers! It’s true—and they look wonderful! Just follow any online tutorial and, in less than a day, you can go from empty Mason jar to beautiful soap dispenser!
Start your own herb garden with the help of Mason jars. Just label each jar, and simply start growing the herb! Follow growing instructions so that each herb can be as strong, healthy, and abundant as possible!
Do u sale these for the mason jars
Judy, I personally do not. But you can get them at Target for a really good price!
Walmart also sells them!