Today’s post will help you achieve complete desk organization with some easy desk organization ideas. Some of these you can DIY, and others you can choose to purchase. Either way, your home office is about to be organized better than you ever thought possible!
Desk Organization Ideas
1. Acquire a collection of cardboard boxes, then cover them with cute contact paper and washi tape. Use them to completely organize your desk top and drawers.
2. Choose a color palette. If you have all your things in one or two colors, it gives a uniform look to your workspace and makes everything look more organized.
3. Use mason jars to make a nifty organizer for all your pens, pencils, markers and highlighters. Just hot glue them together!
4. Craft a DIY desk organizer with a cork board you can pin important memos to. The to-dos you can see are the ones you will remember to get done.
More Organization Products & Ideas
5. Got a corner desk? These floating corner shelves are the perfect solution for keeping a clean, clutter-free desk surface.
6. Spray painted wire magazine holders and color coordinated binders are a chic way to organize your files, papers and other important documents.
7. Love these clip-on organizers that help you organize your desk space and maximize the space you already have.
8. Use industrial strength Velcro to attach your external hard drives to the underside of your desk. This frees up space for things you really want on your desk!
9. A rolling cart next to the desk is a life saver when you’ve got a tiny desk space but lots of things to organize. Maybe you’ll finally have space for some plants!
10. Attractive wall files can go a long way to keeping you more organized and effective without looking too industrial and boring.
Do you need help organizing your home and office paper clutter?
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