Hydrogen peroxide is an environmentally safe, non-toxic liquid to have around the house, and costs very little to buy. You may know it’s an awesome disinfectant for cuts and other first aid purposes, but did you know you can use it in lots of other amazing ways? Here are 10 ideas on how to clean with hydrogen peroxide that will help you clean your entire home.
How To Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide
1. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean your cutting boards. It is non-toxic, so no worries about using it on anything that comes in contact with your food. Store it in a spray bottle you can’t see through (light destroys it’s effectiveness) and just spray it right on. Let it bubble for a few minutes to loosen leftover food debris, and then wipe clean.

2. Use that spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide on your kitchen countertops as well. Spray on dirty and/or sticky spots, then let its bubbly magic loosen the yuck. Wipe clean and no rinsing is necessary. It’s that easy!

3. Because it’s non-toxic, you can also use it to help keep those refrigerator shelves sparkling clean. Just spray it on, sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off. If necessary, use a scrubber sponge to help loosen any tough spots.

4. To freshen up your kitchen sponges, soak them in a mixture of one part hydrogen peroxide to one part hot water for 15 minutes. Thoroughly rinse them when done. For a more thorough germ killing, do a bleach soak or heat those sponges in the microwave about once per week.

5. Pair up your hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda to help clean the gunk off pots and pans. Just sprinkle the pans with baking soda and add enough hydrogen peroxide to make a thick paste. Let it sit for an hour or two, and with a little scrubbing you can stop being embarrassed about how those pans look. Big improvement!

More Ideas On How To Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide
6. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean really tough grout stains. Spray on and then use an old toothbrush to scrub the grout lines. It’s effective without being harsh like bleach or ammonia.

7. Hydrogen peroxide will also clean your toilet bowl. Pour half a cup into the toilet bowl, then let it sit for about 15 or 20 minutes. Scrub with a toilet brush to remove any tough dirty spots and then flush everything away.

8. In the laundry, hydrogen peroxide is a great pre-treatment for stained items, and also can be added to the wash load in place of bleach. It will help whiten and brighten both whites and colors, without the harsh effects of bleach. Pre-treat stains by spraying them with 3% hydrogen peroxide and allow it to soak for a few minutes before tossing in the wash. To brighten a load of whites, add one cup of hydrogen peroxide to the load once it starts agitating.

9. Mop floors with a gallon of hot water and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide. It’s a no-rinse solution that will freshen your floors with no harsh chemicals.

10. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe and non-toxic way to clean your child’s toys. Spray on, let it soak for a few minutes, and then wipe with a clean, dry cloth. This is a solution you can feel good about using!

Looking for more ways to use hydrogen peroxide? Check out this post on 25 surprising ways to use hydrogen peroxide!
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