Cleaning the kitchen can be one of the most tedious and repetitive chores that exist. That’s mainly because it’s so often used, that you can’t help but get it dirty pretty quickly. However, just because it gets dirty fast, doesn’t mean you can’t clean it fast! Here are some great kitchen cleaning hacks for you to use!
If you don’t already do this, then it’s a real time saver you’ll want to start! Instead of cleaning your blender by hand, quickly rinse it out and then fill it up with warm water and soap. Then, just run the blender for a few seconds, and the mixture will clean everything for you!
Don’t let cheese get stuck in your cheese grater. It can be hard to clean them, but they need to be clean! A great way to do that is by grating a raw potato. The potato slices will grab on to any cheese remnants, then just rinse and you should be good!
Cast iron is one of the most difficult things to clean. However, if you want to do it yourself and do it right, then a simple and efficient way is using salt and oil. Mix the two together, rub it gently on the cast iron (do a test spot so you know it won’t scratch it), and then clean the whole thing!
Storing cleaning supplies under the sink is a pretty common practice. But most cupboards have lots of vertical space, but not so much horizontal space. So, if that’s the case for your kitchen, then install a rod near the top of the cupboard so you can hang cleaning supplies as well as store them below.
This is one of my favorite cleaning hacks! Fill a bowl with water and a bit of vinegar. Then, stick the bowl in the microwave and let it run for a few minutes. Once it’s finished, you should be able to simply wipe away any stains or gunk that had been stuck to the inside!
Make a mixture of lemon, salt, and water and then freeze them. Whenever your sink and garbage disposal start smelling bad, just throw one of those little guys in there, turn the disposal on, and that should help unclog and deodorize!
For those stubborn, stuck on messes in your pans, don’t waste time and energy trying to viciously scrub them clean. Instead, put a dryer sheet in it, fill the pan with warm water, and let it sit overnight. The next day, you should be able to easily wipe the gunk right off!
To clean your coffee maker, here’s a ridiculously easy hack! Just fill it with one part water and one part vinegar. Then, just run the mixture through the coffee maker!
It may seem unnecessary, but cleaning the dishwasher is something that should be done on a regular basis. However, you don’t have to crawl inside and scrub the whole thing down. Instead, fill it with lemon Kool-Aid mix and run it! The acid in the mixture will break down any gunk and make it smell fresh!
Don’t just set your magnets on the counter or scattered throughout the cupboards. Consolidate them all in one spot to make things easier to clean and easier to organize. Use magnets to hold the spice containers or even install hanging platforms on the cabinet wall or door!
Scotch Brite is said to be a miracle worker on glass stovetops. You won’t need to apply much pressure at all and the mess should come off pretty easily! Make sure to test this on a small spot though, just in case!
Reorganize your entire freezer (making it easier to clean in the long run), but using magazine holders for extra storage! This increases vertical storage without having to clumsily stack things on top of one another.
While a cloth and some water may help clean up the exterior of some appliances, a great addition is cream of tartar! For stainless steel toaster and other similar appliances, apply the cream of tartar, let it sit for just a little bit, and then wipe it off!
Never mess with scraps from your cutting getting all over the kitchen ever again! Instead, invest in an over-the-counter cutting board! It simply sits or clips right into the edge of the sink. That way, any stray food will fall in the sink, not on the ground.
Essential oils are all the rage right now, and for a good reason. Lots of oils smell great, and they also have lots of health and sanitizing properties! So, if you’re into making your own homemade cleaners, then consider adding some essential oils to them to get a great scent and a more powerful cleaner!
Don’t let your sponge just sit in dirty water when you’re done using it—this can actually make your kitchen dirtier! Instead, set it right side up and, preferable, somewhere it can drain. Also, consider throwing the sponge in the microwave for a little bit every now and then. This helps kill germ.
I know it sounds crazy, but if you have dull copper pans, then try rubbing ketchup on them! This supposedly gets rid of the spots and brightens your copper up instantly! Just rub, wipe off, and rinse!
Kitchens shouldn’t just be visibly clean, they should also smell clean! So, in order to get a great smelling home, consider concocting a stovetop potpourri. You can use vanilla, oranges, rosemary, or any other wonderful combination! Find a recipe and go for it.
Clean the oven and traditional stovetop with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Simply mix them together until you get a paste, and then apply it to the inside of your oven and any part of the stovetop that’s dirty. Let it sit for a bit and, when it wipe it off, any gunk should come off too!
It’s always a good idea to, every now and then, run hot water down the drain. This helps loosen any grease or oil that may be hardened onto the side of the drain, causing a bad smelling backup.
The ice cubes with lemon and salt are a great suggestion……the ice also sharpens the disposer blades!