Let’s face it: decorating can be fun, but it can also be quite a hassle. From all the colors, the ideas, the seasonal changes, it can be difficult to keep up. Plus, the stress it puts on the wallet isn’t ever fun, either. To help save you from some of that stress and strain, here are some great decorating hacks that are genius!
- Whenever I get home, the first thing I do is wonder where to put my keys. I don’t want them in my pocket anymore, but throwing them on the table or end stand will make my house look messy and disorganized. If you have the same problem, here’s a great solution. Build a key cabinet that holds all your keys, wallets, and similar pocket items while keeping them cleverly hidden.
- The entryway is the first part of your home’s interior that your guests will see. So make sure it gives off a good first impression. In order to make it look brighter and bigger, hang mirrors on the walls in a decorative way!
- Take your closet to the next level by doing a hanger makeover. Plastic or wire hangers can look 100x better when you give them a nice coating of gold paint. Just make sure they dry long enough to not leave marks on your clothes!
- Don’t just let your fireplace go to waste—even if you don’t want a fire, you can still use it for something. Some people have faux log veneers that give the illusion of perfectly stacked wood; others put candles in the nook. Pick an idea and run with it!
- Don’t let your light switches and switch plates ruin a perfectly flawless wall! Instead, either paint or buy covers that blend into the color or pattern on the wall so that it can all run together in a seamless and elegant manner.
- You don’t have to redo your whole kitchen in order to update and decorate it. If you’re working on a budget and have pressed time, try just installing new hardware on all the drawers and cabinets. This makes it look better and can also help you match the rest of your color themes better.
- Some people just HATE having their garbage out in the open. If you’re one of those people, then here’s a great solution! Cut a chute or hole in the counter and then place the garbage directly beneath it. That way, the garbage can be hidden, and the chute cover can be a decoration too!
- Add color and texture instantly to any room with some well-placed decorative pillows. They can vary in size, shape, and color, as long as they complement one another and look good on the furniture and in the room.
- Spruce up your bedroom by adding (or improving) a decorative headboard. You can do this by simply painting it, or get a little more creative by using different and unique materials. You can make this as simple or as intricate as you want.
- Want a nightstand but can’t find the perfect one? Expand your resources by considering a wastebasket turned upside down! It will look identical to a nightstand, and you can even paint it to get the color and style that you want.
- You pretty much need to have a router these days, and it needs to be somewhere open so it reaches as far as possible. However, it can look tacky if it’s just sitting on the table. Stick it inside a hollowed out decorative book and you’ll be good to go!
- I’ve never done this before, but apparently, if you paint your walls only halfway up, then it will make it seem like the ceiling is higher than it actually is. It seems like a legitimate suggestion, so if you’re going for height, then this is a great idea.
- Some rooms don’t need any changing except for more lighting. Add a lamp or light stand to dark corners or shady areas and you’ll make the room look instantly better! There are tons of styles to choose from, too!
- In outdoor spaces, consider decorating with plants that help repel mosquitos! Not only will they add some green, but they’ll also keep you and your guests from getting itchy all night.
- Veneer and peel-and-stick panels are also a great way to good a style you want without all the time and money! Stone veneers can go great on both the inside and outside of your home, which peel-and-stick panels can imitate a wood-finished floor.
- A super fun and creative way to get some decorative style to your home is by painting the door! It’s simple, fast, and can change the whole feel of your home! Just make sure it matches the rest of your theme.
- No need to worry about scarring up the front of your door when you need to hang a wreath or other similar decoration. Instead, put an upside down command hook on the back of the door and drape a ribbon over the top of the door. You can hang your wreath from this ribbon with zero change to the front of the door.
- If you don’t want to spend the money on a whole can of paint or the time in painting the whole door, then just paint the sides or the frame! This still looks great, gives your home a nice pop, but doesn’t require as much time or money.
- Don’t worry about drilling holes in the wall or struggling with rod holsters. Instead, just use Command hooks! They peel and stick onto the wall and can (usually) hold the weight of a light to medium weight curtain rod.
- Hide away all those cleaning supplies stored under the sink or toys in the wall nook by adding a cute curtain! All you need to do is attach a rod to the wall or around the sink rim, and then pull the curtain closed! It adds color while avoiding eyesore!
- This is a great idea! Not only does it add some texture and color to the room, it also gives you more closet space! Find a nook on a wall, install a curtain in front of it, and then put a shoe rack behind it!
- To add aesthetics to a room, don’t just let your candles sit out alone. Instead, put them in a jar, a can, a glass vase, or something similar. This will add elegance immediately to the room.
- Get some fancy looking drapes at a fraction of the cost when you use a duvet! Just cut the duvet in half, attach rings as necessary, and then hang it up! This is very little hassle for a great way to save money!
- Repurpose old necklaces by turning them into tiebacks for your curtains! This usually works best with bigger, thicker necklaces since they can handle the weight of the curtains. Make sure the jewelry doesn’t clash with the curtain colors, though!
- Instead of curtain rings, add a nice rustic appeal to your house by using rope! It can be any color and any thickness—no matter what you choose, it’ll really add a great feature to the room.
- Add some color to a child’s room by painting the sides of the dressers. Whenever the open the drawers, the colors will pop out and look great! This is also good when your kids are learning to dress themselves, since the drawers will be color-coded!
Terrific way to decorate on a budget ,I like the idea to paint the door by areas.