You might be surprised to learn that some common household items will remove your worst laundry stains. Once you learn what they are, you may not feel the need to buy anymore fancy stain removers. If some common household items will work just great, why should you? Stay tuned to see how your laundry stain removal just got easier!
Milk will remove ink stains from your clothes! All you have to do is cover the stain with milk and let it soak overnight. The next morning, launder the item as you usually would. No more ink stain.
Bread is helpful for removing lipstick stains on clothing, but it has to be fresh. Tear the soft middle from a slice of bread, and wad it into a ball. Use the ball to blot the lipstick stain. It helps to break down and absorb the pigments and oils in the lipstick from the fabric, and it is perfectly safe to use on dry clean-only fabrics!
A non-gel shaving cream is great for stains on clothing and carpet. Just spray shaving cream onto the stain, rub it in, and let it dry. Wash fabrics as usual. Use a clean cloth to rinse and blot the stain from carpeting. Even some inexpensive shaving cream from Dollar Tree will do the trick!
If you’ve got bloodstains, then save some of your bottle of cola to remove the stain. Soak the stain in cola overnight, and in the morning the stain will be gone. This works because the acids in the cola eat away the blood. Launder as usual after soaking.
Ball point pen ink stains are no match for a squirt of hairspray. It really works!
Finally, try your shampoo on those pesky ring-around-the-collar stains. It’s great at breaking down stains by cause by body oils.
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