How often do you think about cleaning the remote to your garage door opener? Surprise! This is just one of the surfaces with more germs than a toilet. And there is more where that came from. Get ready to clean these surfaces you probably rarely think to clean.
Surfaces with more germs than a toilet…

Garage door opener
What is it about the garage door opener that causes it to have more germs than a toilet? Think about it–we often use it as we arrive home after a day at work, a shopping trip, or some other excursion where we’ve touched lots of public surfaces. All those germs transfer right to your garage door opener remote, day after day. Do you clean it daily? If you do, you’re in the minority. If you don’t, now you know that you should think about at least weekly!

Toothbrush holder
We’re pretty good about changing our toothbrushes the recommended 3-6 months. But what about the toothbrush holder? It’s easy to overlook. But every time you drop your wet toothbrush into the holder, that moisture drips down into the holder and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, mildew and other yuck.

Cutting board
If you didn’t realize it, this is one of the surfaces with more germs than a toilet. Never use the same cutting board for raw meats and fruits or vegetables. Even if you scrub it well, tiny cuts on the surface–that you can’t even see–harbor bacteria from raw meats and transfer it to fresh foods. Keep one cutting board for washed produce, and another for raw meats. Even better, use color-coded cutting boards to keep everything separate.

Front-loading washing machine
Surfaces with more germs than a toilet include your washing machine. But how? In a front-loading washing machine, the rubber gasket around the inside of the door only dries if you leave the door open between uses. Otherwise, it’s a moist breeding ground for mold, mildew and bacteria that will transfer to your laundry. Here’s how to keep it clean.
No more surprises! There are household surfaces with more germs than a toilet, but now you know how to protect yourself and your family from those harmful bacteria.
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