The next time you have a garage sale, don’t price your items until you take a look at this helpful information from Real Simple. Garage sales are a great way to make some extra cash for stuff you’re getting rid of, but how do you price it accurately? Pricing too high will only mean you’ll be carrying your stuff back into the house at the end of the day. And better yet, which types of items can you sell for more? Here are the 10 items to sell at a garage sale, according to Real Simple, that you can sell for the most profit. You might be surprised at how much your old stuff can go for! Old furniture is perfect for DIY crafts.

Items To Sell At A Garage Sale
1. Big furniture pieces are where you can earn the most, so a sofa that is in great condition is something worth carrying out to the curb. {The curb is where you want to put your big ticket items to bring people in}. Real Simple suggests pricing a sofa anywhere from $150-300 dollars, depending on the condition of the couch. That’s a nice chunk of extra change!

2. You might get as much as $100 for that coffee table you no longer like. It’s important to remember that just because you think something is out of style doesn’t mean everyone will. One of the tips for a successful garage sale is to put everything out there–you never know which DIY upcycler is going to come along with a fresh vision for your old stuff!
3. Dining chairs are a good example of an upcycler’s dream garage sale find. Put them out and you might see anywhere from $25 to $150 for each one.
Items To Sell At A Garage Sale

4. Another bigger ticket item at your garage sale should be the lamps that you’re getting rid of. You can ask up to $30 for a lamp in good working condition. Be prepared to supply a power outlet so potential buyers can test your lamps {or other electrical items} to see that they do indeed work.
5. According to Real Simple, you can make a nice garage sale profit on anything IKEA. Just dock the original price of the item 30-50% and go from there.
6. Mirrors and artwork are your next best-selling item. Price them up to $10 for a small piece, or $30-100 for large items.
Items To Sell At A Garage Sale

7. Assemble your unwanted dishes and glassware into sets, preferably 8-pieces if you have it, because they will sell much better than single items. Price an 8-piece set of regular dishware from $5-30 dollars. If you have an expensive set of china, you can price those a $10 per plate.
8. CDs and DVDs can be priced from $2 to $4, respectively.
9. Clothing that is mainstream or brand-name and in like-new condition can sell for more, as much as $5-15 dollars per item. Contrast that with t-shirts in good condition, which you should price in a bundle of two for $1.
10. Board games, in good condition with no missing pieces, can bring in up to $5.
The most important part of your garage sale success is pricing, and though this list is a good place to start, take the time to research garage sales and thrift stores in your town to get a good idea of what people near you are willing to pay. Good luck!
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