Hopefully, if you’re using wood stain somewhere in your home, you’re using a drop cloth or piece of cardboard to protect your carpet. But as we all know, sometimes things happen and you end up with stain just where you didn’t want it. So just in case you ever need to know, here is the best way to remove wood stain from carpet.
First, I’ll be the bearer of the bad news. If you have spilled a large amount of stain, enough to soak through the carpet fibers and into the backing, you are out of luck. Because short of a major miracle, that type of stain will never come out completely. But if the spill is small and has not dried, you should definitely keep reading because I can probably help.
- Before the stain sets any longer on the carpet and begins to dry, use paper towels to blot up as much as you can. Better yet, use disposable shop towels like they use in an auto repair shop to soak up oil & grease. You can find some at Amazon. {It never hurts to keep some on hand!}.
- Mix together 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap, 1/4 cup of ammonia, and two cups of warm water. Use a clean white cloth or sponge to dip into this solution and blot the stained area on your carpet.
- As you blot the stain, it’s best to work from the outside of the stain toward the center.
- Continue to blot the stain with cleaning solution, using clean areas of the cloth, until the stain is no longer transferring from the carpet to the cleaning cloth.
- Use a second cloth dipped in plain water to blot the carpet and remove all traces of the cleaning solution. Residual cleaning solution tends to attract new stains, so make sure you remove it all.
- Allow the wet area of the carpet to dry thoroughly, and then vacuum it to lift the carpet fibers.
- If some stain remains, you can try using one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts warm water, but only do this on light colored carpet. Use something small, such as an eye dropper or a Q-tip to apply it to the remaining stain. Let it sit for up to 30 minutes, and then rinse with plain water as you did before.
Hey! Don’t bounce just yet…101 Days can help you clean up these messes, also!
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