Legos can be awesome when they keep the kids busy for hours and hours. But after they’ve been handled and played with all those hours, they are probably in need of a good cleaning. How do you wash those sticky Legos without spending additional hours trying to scrub around all the holes and raised circles? That would be enough to drive any parent crazy! So today, let’s talk about how to get Legos clean without any stress.
Method One
Before you do anything else, make a visit to Dollar Tree and purchase an inexpensive mesh laundry bag {or two or three!}. This will make it easy to wash all the Legos at once. Fill two of the mesh bags with Legos. Depending on how many your child owns, you may need to do this in several shifts. Add detergent to your washing machine, lay a bath towel in the bottom, and then lay the bags of Legos on top. For a top loading machine, set one bag on each side of the agitator. Fill the machine for a medium sized load on the gentle cycle, using warm water. You can also use the soaking option to help loosen sticky gunk from the Legos. When the wash cycle stops, take the bags of Legos outside and hang them to dry in the sun. You can also open the bag and lay all the pieces on a towel to air dry. If you are hesitant to put Legos in your clothes washer, see method two.
Method Two
For this method, you can use a mesh laundry bag, or a stainless steel mesh colander like this one from Amazon. Set the colander securely on the top rack of your dishwasher, fill it with Legos, and run the dishwasher through a light wash only–no heated dry! Alternately, fill the mesh laundry bag with Legos and lay it on the top rack of your dishwasher, then run a light cycle. Hang the bag of Legos outside in the sun to air dry, or inside over the bathtub, or lay them out on a towel.
I wash mine in the dishwasher! So simple and it gets them so clean.
Thank you for this post. Its very inspiring.