The first thing you need to do is pick up all of the pet hair that you can. It doesn’t need to all be gone, but just do a quick run over to make sure you’ve grabbed any loose hair that may be causing an odor. Next, sprinkle baking soda all over the pet bed. […]
Top 10 Tips On How To Keep A House Clean With Pets
Today we are talking about how to keep a house clean with pets. Because if you’re a pet lover, you know that pets can cause some nasty messes–and you get to clean it up. Here are some of the best ways to do it! How To Keep A House Clean With Pets Lots of people […]
10 Tips for Reducing Pet Hair in Your Home
Having animals around the house can really brighten things up, but it also can make things a lot dirtier and, well, furrier. You don’t have to get rid of all your beloved pets if you want a cleaner home, that’s just not true. Here are some great ways to reduce pet hair in your home […]