Do you ever feel like you need to organize paper clutter–and stat? If paper is taking over your life {and not in a good way} you definitely aren’t alone. For many people, paper clutter is a problem they have yet to conquer. Let’s show you how to organize paper clutter once and for all!

Tips To Organize Paper Clutter
Here are some brilliant, proven tips to help you organize your paper clutter at home. Don’t be afraid to apply some of these tips to your office as well–especially if it needs it!

Use a color system for the whole family.
If you have a family, you know that each person contributes some type of paper clutter to the home. Whether its school papers, artwork, medical bills or other stuff, you need to organize it by person. An easy way to do that is with color-coded folders. Assign each family member a color. Papers that need saving are filed to the appropriate family member’s folder for later.

Use the cloud to organize paper clutter.
There’s a great thing called the internet, with a wondrous place to save stuff digitally. All you need to do is get your smartphone to help you out. Take photos of important papers or scan them to your computer for saving. This kind of storage needs to be managed too, but it won’t clutter up your house.
Sign up for electronic billing.
If you’re not using electronic billing for all your household bills, you should start. While you’re at it, sign up for electronic bank statements too. Going paperless like this drastically reduces the amount of paper clutter you have to deal with.

Use binders for everything else.
Binders are fantastic for organizing paper clutter like printed recipes and household receipts. As you decide what to keep, it’s a great opportunity to get rid of the papers you don’t need to save so you can dedicate binder space for those you do.
Have a day devoted to paper decluttering.
You have a day or two every week set aside for cleaning, right? Set aside another day or two each month for dealing with the papers that have piled up. This method keeps the pile small so you can feel like you’re staying on top of it.
By applying these tips to organize paper clutter, you really will stay on top of it. Don’t forget to give yourself a big pat on the back!
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