Day One: Bedrooms. Gather all the bedding and sheets from all the rooms and wash them. If you want, you can make a baking soda and essential oil mixture to sprinkle on the mattresses the freshen them up. Dust and vacuum in the bedrooms, making sure to get the blinds! Day Two: Bathrooms. I like […]
Top 10 Cleaning Schedules that will Get You More Organized
If you find yourself constantly running around your house trying to get things cleaned up, it may be time to implement a cleaning schedule into your weekly routine. Schedules can make chores seem a lot less overwhelming, and can transform the organization of your home. Without a whole lot of effort! 1.From the Time Warp […]
10 Best Spring Cleaning Schedules
When it comes time to spring clean, you don’t have to get it all done in one day. Not only is that incredibly exhausting, but you’ll also probably get a third of the way through your cleaning and then just give up. Instead of taking on the monster of spring cleaning in one fell swoop, […]
Top 10 Very Best Cleaning Schedules That Will Simplify Your Life
With work, kids, errands, and other responsibilities, it can be hard to fit cleaning in there as well. And the longer we wait, the worse the mess gets! While we need to actually deep clean every once in a while, there are a few scheduling tips you can try in order to simplify your day. […]
How to Spring Clean Your House in Only One Week
I love the warm air, the singing birds, and the shining sun. However, lurking right behind all those beautiful things is the overwhelming task of spring cleaning. Just thinking about all the work that needs to be done in order to properly spring clean your house can be exhausting, but you can do it! Here […]